Restaurant Automation: 10 Techniques to Try in 2024

| January 23, 2024

Restaurant Automation: 10 Techniques to Try in 2024

| January 23, 2024
restaurant automation

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Restaurant automation has become a game-changing solution for many of the restaurant industry’s daily challenges. The hurdles can seem endless, from managing orders to optimizing the customer experience.

This guide is here to navigate you through these challenges.

Here’s what we’ll cover to improve the efficiency of your restaurant operations.

  • The benefits of using automation in your restaurant business.
  • 10 ways to use restaurant automation this year.

đŸ‘‹ By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to integrate automation into your restaurant operations, setting you up for success in 2024.

Let’s look into the benefits of restaurant automation.

restaurant automation

The benefits of using automation in your restaurant business

Staying ahead isn’t just about the food (although that’s an important part!), but it’s also about how efficiently and effectively you run your restaurant.

Automation is like having an extra set of hands, but these hands never get tired, and they work with precision.

Let’s explore how automation technology can positively impact your restaurant business.

Increased efficiency

Think of restaurant automation as hitting the fast-forward button on your restaurant’s operations. By automating key tasks such as ordering, billing, and inventory management, you’re making your whole process quicker and smoother.

Picture this: a customer places an order, and it instantly pops up in the kitchen, with no delays. At the same time, billing is handled with super-fast efficiency. All the while, behind the scenes, artificial intelligence is working like a silent, efficient assistant, keeping everything on track without any fuss.

With these tasks taken care of automatically, your team has more time to focus on what they do best front-of-house – making sure your customers have the best dining experience at your restaurant.

customer retention rate

Reduced human error

We all know that nobody’s perfect and mistakes are a part of life. However, in the fast-paced restaurant business world, even small errors can lead to lost time and money.

This is where automated systems and restaurant automation come in to revolutionize the back-of-house operations.

This new restaurant technology will take care of your ordering process, billing, and inventory tracking with a level of accuracy that’s hard to match. This means fewer mix-ups with orders and a more consistent, reliable process all around.

Keep the human touch for your customer service.

Labor cost savings

Restaurant automation is also a smart way to manage your bottom line. By taking on repetitive tasks, these systems reduce the need for a large staff, cutting labor costs.

Plus, your team can shift their focus to what matters – like engaging with customers and enhancing their dining experience, which adds more value to your service.

đŸ“ˆ According to Zipdo, restaurants can reduce their operational costs by 5% to 9% through automation.

google analytics

Data collection and analysis

In today’s data-driven world, information is gold. Automated systems are excellent at gathering data on customer preferences, busy times, and which menu items are hot sellers.

This isn’t just a bunch of numbers and graphs; it’s actionable insight that can guide your business decisions, helping you cater better to your customer’s tastes and streamline your operations.

restaurant automation card

Consistent quality and service

Consistency is the secret ingredient to customer loyalty.

Having an automated restaurant ensures that every dish that leaves your kitchen is up to your high standards and that service runs like clockwork. This consistency builds trust with your customers, making them more likely to return and recommend your restaurant to others.

Now that we’ve seen the benefits of bringing automation into your restaurant, it’s time to dive into the practical side of things.

In the next section, we’ll explore 10 innovative ways you can implement restaurant automation in your restaurant this year, helping you stay ahead in the competitive culinary world.

10 ways to use restaurant automation this year

Let’s explore 10 innovative ways to integrate restaurant automation into your restaurant business. From enhancing the customer experience to streamlining operations, these strategies cover your business’s online and in-house aspects.

Online reservation system

Imagine a world where your customers can book their favorite table at your restaurant with just a few clicks, without any back-and-forth phone calls. That’s what an automated online reservation system offers.

Here are some of the many benefits:

  • Minimizes overbooking and scheduling conflicts: With real-time updates on table availability, you can avoid the common problem of overbooking or double-booking tables.
  • Enhances customer satisfaction: The simplicity and convenience of online booking are something customers appreciate. Being able to book a table at their convenience, without having to call and wait, adds to the overall positive experience with your restaurant.
  • Collects customer data for personalized service and marketing opportunities: When customers book online, you can gather valuable data about their preferences and dining habits. This information can be used.

It’s a win-win: customers enjoy the convenience, and you get a more organized, efficient booking process.

Digital online ordering system

Enter the era of dining where customers can scan a QR code at their table and place orders directly from their smartphones. A great new point-of-sale.

We’ve gotten more accustomed to this due to the pandemic, but mixing the digital with the traditional is a significant shift in the restaurant industry.

qr code menu

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Enhanced customer experience: The convenience of ordering from a smartphone elevates the whole dining experience for your customers. They can place orders and request services right from their table, personalizing their dining experience to their liking and making it more enjoyable.
  • Increased operational efficiency: Orders sent straight to the kitchen cut down on the time it usually takes to place an order, and they reduce the chance of miscommunication between your staff and the kitchen crew, as well as human errors.
  • Improved order accuracy and customer satisfaction: With customers entering their orders, the likelihood of mix-ups or misunderstandings goes away. This ensures that customers get exactly what they ordered, enhancing their satisfaction with the dining experience.
restaurant menu website design

How to set up a online ordering system for your restaurant

The digital online ordering system, especially when powered by a plugin like Orderable, revolutionizes how customers interact with your restaurant.

This WordPress plugin is the best tool to build online ordering capabilities into your restaurant’s current website.

Get Your Restaurant Online With Orderable

The WooCommerce plugin designed to help restaurants take orders online – with no added fees!

With Orderable, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Mobile responsiveness: The plugin is designed to work seamlessly on various devices, including smartphones and tablets, allowing customers to place
  • Order scheduling: Customers have the option to schedule orders in advance, whether for a later pickup or delivery, making it convenient for planning meals.
  • Order bumps and product add-ons: You can easily implement order bumps and product add-ons to enhance your customer’s experience with you while also tapping into the potential of additional revenue.
ordering extras and addons

The ability to see this information on your kitchen display system is brought to you by platforms like Orderable.

Not only does it cut down on wait times and order errors, but it also encourages customers to interact with your restaurant, helping to boost the customer experience.

how to create online ordering for restaurant

Online delivery and takeout orders

With the rise of food delivery apps, takeout, and delivery services, an automated online ordering system for delivery and takeout is a must-have.

By adding an automated online ordering system like Orderable, you can tap into this growing market and offer a seamless experience for both delivery and takeout services.

Here are some of the benefits of this new technology:

  • Broader market reach: Implementing an automated online ordering system allows your restaurant to reach a wider audience beyond the traditional dine-in customers.
  • Increased sales opportunities: When you add online delivery and takeout options, you will likely see a bump in your sales. People who are too busy to dine at your restaurant or just want to eat at home now have the option to order your food.
  • Efficient order processing: With restaurant automation, the entire ordering process becomes smoother and faster. This is crucial for providing top-notch service and keeping your customers happy.

Orderable can integrate easily with your website, giving your customers an easy way to order their favorite meals for delivery or pickup.

woocommerce add tip at checkout

Here’s why you should use Orderable as a restaurant automation tool:

  • User-friendly digital menus: Orderable provides a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it easy for customers to navigate the menu, make selections, and place orders without being confused.
  • Order tracking: Customers can track their orders in real-time, from preparation to delivery or pickup. Who doesn’t love tracking their delivery and order statuses?
  • Customizable orders: Customers can customize their orders according to their preferences, such as adding toppings to a pizza or specifying dietary needs, so they get exactly what they want.

This not only opens up a new revenue stream but also expands your restaurant’s reach beyond the confines of its physical location.

Feedback and review management

Let’s be honest, online reviews can make or break a restaurant’s reputation. Managing and staying on top of customer feedback and reviews can only help in the long run.

Automating the collection and management of customer feedback and reviews can be a game-changer for restaurants looking to enhance their reputation and improve their services.

review with response

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Improved customer insights: When you have automated systems to collect and analyze customer feedback, understanding what your customers want becomes much easier.
  • Enhanced online reputation: Actively managing your online reviews can elevate your restaurant’s presence on the internet. Responding to feedback shows that you value customer opinions and are committed to improving.
  • Increased customer engagement: An automated system is great for keeping up the conversation with your customers. Whether it’s thanking them for their feedback, addressing any of their concerns, or just inviting them to come back.

This not only gives you valuable insights into areas for improvement but also helps in building a strong online presence.

Automated inventory management

Gone are the days of manually keeping track of your stock. Automated inventory management systems can track your inventory in real-time, updating as orders are placed.

This leads to more accurate inventory levels, reduces waste, and ensures you’re always stocked up on what you need when you need it.

inventory management

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Real-time inventory tracking: Automated systems keep you up-to-date on your inventory levels in real-time. This means you can always know exactly what’s in stock, helping you make quick and informed decisions about ordering and menu offerings.
  • Reduced waste and cost savings: By tracking your inventory with precision, you can cut down significantly on waste and operational costs. This happens because you’re less likely to order more than you need or let ingredients spoil.
  • Enhanced supplier management: With an automated system, you can better manage relationships with suppliers. It allows for streamlined ordering processes, and timely reordering, and can even integrate with supplier systems for even greater efficiency.

By replacing manual stock-taking methods with automated systems, restaurants can achieve a high level of efficiency and accuracy in managing their inventory.

Automated email marketing

Email marketing is about connecting with your customers. Automated email campaigns for promotions, special events, and updates about your loyalty program can keep your restaurant in the minds of your customers.

email marketing for restaurants

Here are some other benefits of automated email marketing:

  • Personalization and targeted messaging: One of the biggest perks of automated email marketing is its ability to tailor messages to individual customers. This means you can send targeted messages that are more likely to resonate with each customer.
  • Increased efficiency and time-saving: The beauty of restaurant automation is that it does the heavy lifting for you. Once you’ve set up your email campaigns, they run automatically, saving you the time and hassle of sending out each email manually.
  • Loyalty program promotion: Email is an excellent channel for promoting your restaurant’s loyalty program. Automated emails can be used to update customers on their loyalty points, inform them of special rewards, and encourage repeat visits.

This ongoing engagement builds brand loyalty and can drive repeat business.

đŸ‘‹ Want a more in-depth look into email marketing? Read our email marketing for restaurants guide.

Predictive analytics for menu planning

Utilize data analytics to understand and predict which menu items will be popular. This allows you to optimize your menu based on customer preferences and seasonal trends.

woocommerce reporting

Here are some other benefits of data analysis:

  • Data-driven menu customization: One of the great advantages of predictive analytics is its ability to provide insights into what your customers prefer. By analyzing ordering patterns, you can identify which dishes are hits and which ones aren’t as popular.
  • Seasonal and trend adaptation: By analyzing trends, you can adapt your menu to incorporate seasonal ingredients or capitalize on emerging food trends.
  • Increased customer satisfaction and repeat business: When customers find that their favorite dishes are consistently available and aligned with their tastes, their satisfaction with your restaurant increases.

It’s all about offering what your customers want when they want it, leading to increased satisfaction and sales.

Automated alerts and notifications

Stay on top of everything with automated alerts and notifications. These automated systems keep you and your team informed and prepared, ensuring that every aspect of your restaurant functions smoothly.

order notification orderable

Here are some of the benefits of such a system:

  • Real-time order updates: Receive instant notifications for online orders, enabling your kitchen and front-of-house staff to react promptly. Your staff can keep track of the customer’s journey and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Inventory management efficiency: Automated alerts about low inventory levels mean you’re less likely to find yourself out of key ingredients. This kind of heads-up is invaluable for managing your stock more effectively and making sure you’re always ready to meet your customer’s needs and preferences.
  • Improved reservation management: Having a system that sends out reservation reminders is a big plus for your dining room management. These reminders can cut down on no-shows and help you turn tables more efficiently.

Orderable, for instance, can send customers notifications for online orders, while also keeping your team updated in real-time.

custom order notification

Set up customer notifications with Orderable

With Orderable, you can:

  • Add real-time order notifications: As soon as a customer places an order through the system, your staff receives instant notifications. This notification lets your team know it can begin preparing the order immediately, leading to quicker service and customer satisfaction.
  • Include automated confirmation messages: When customers place orders or make reservations, they receive automated confirmation messages. Customers can receive the notifications via WhatsApp or SMS as well.
  • Edit default order statuses: You can customize the status type to suit your needs and be more explicit with your customers. You can choose from a select number of statuses, or you can create your own order status.
custom order status

These automated alerts and notifications help streamline restaurant operations, improve communication, and ensure a smoother, more efficient service delivery.

Get Your Restaurant Online With Orderable

The WooCommerce plugin designed to help restaurants take orders online – with no added fees!

Self-service kiosks

In a world where convenience is king, self-service kiosks, or self-ordering kiosks, are a great addition to any quick-service restaurant. They become an additional POS system.

đŸ“ˆ According to Zipdo, Self-order kiosks in fast-food restaurants can boost sales by as much as 30%.

They allow customers to place their orders and make payments without waiting for a server (and are especially beneficial during staffing shortages).

restaurant kiosk

Here are some benefits:

  1. Enhanced customer experience: Self-service kiosks provide a user-friendly interface, allowing customers to browse the menu at their own pace, customize their orders, and avoid waiting in line.
  2. Increased order accuracy: When customers enter their orders directly into the kiosks, there’s a much lower chance of mistakes being made in the order. This lets your staff members focus on other areas of service.
  3. Faster service and reduced wait times: Kiosks are all about efficiency. They speed up the whole ordering process, allowing customers to get their orders in fast. A huge plus, especially when your restaurant is buzzing during busy hours.

This not only speeds up the ordering process but also reduces order inaccuracies and improves overall customer experience.

Table management software

Lastly, using table management software can revolutionize how you handle dine-in customers. This type of software helps in optimizing table allocation, reducing wait times, and improving the flow of customers through your restaurant.

It’s all about maximizing your space and ensuring every customer enjoys a seamless dining experience.

table management software
Eat App table management software

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Improved table turnover: Using table management software makes seating more efficient, meaning you can accommodate more customers throughout the day.
  • Reduced customer wait times: Good table management means less waiting for your guests. When you can get customers seated quickly and efficiently, they will likely have a better experience. This can lead to happier customers and more positive reviews.
  • Enhanced dining room organization: With the latest updates on which tables are free or occupied, your staff can manage the dining area more effectively. This organization helps provide timely service and reduces the chaos that can sometimes occur in busy dining environments.

By efficiently managing your dining space, you can ensure that every customer enjoys a seamless and enjoyable experience at your establishment.

Get to grips with restaurant automation today

Each of these restaurant automation strategies offers unique benefits that can transform the way you run your restaurant, even to the point of becoming a robotic kitchen!

By embracing these technologies, you can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and provide a more satisfying dining experience for your customers.

With the Orderable plugin, you can tackle several of these strategies in one go, simultaneously implementing them.

The future of the restaurant industry is digital, and by adopting these restaurant automation strategies, you’re positioning your business for success this year and beyond. Embrace the change, innovate your operations, and watch your restaurant thrive in the new era of dining.

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Get Your Restaurant Online With Orderable

The WooCommerce plugin designed to help restaurants take orders online – with no added fees!

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